Are Your Kids’ Teeth Ready for All That Halloween Candy?

2018-07-30T12:01:02+00:00 October 25th, 2017|Kids Dentistry|0 Comments

For as long as any of us here at Bright Value Dental can remember, Halloween has been a time of eating tons of candy. It is also a time when cavities can start taking for after all the sugar intake. The question is are your kids’ teeth prepared for the onslaught of chocolate, nougat, and countless simple sugars?

At our Bellaire dental office, we care greatly about the health of our neighborhood kids’ teeth. Our goal is to keep each child cavity-free. This means keeping kids educated about how to properly maintain their oral health. Part of that education is ensuring that kids understand the effects of eating candy and not brushing or flossing properly. This means brushing thoroughly twice per day (once in the morning and again before going to bed) and flossing all 32 teeth before going to bed as to make certain there are no leftover particles of food, which can turn into plaque.

Removing simple sugars from the mouth is imperative to keeping a clean mouth and eliminating the threat of cavities. Before Halloween arrives and the festivities begin, bring your child to Bright Value Dental so that they can receive a thorough pediatric dental cleaning. This will allow our kids dentist to show your child how to prevent oral issues, like dental caries or gum disease. It will also enable you, the parent, to know where you child’s teeth stand as far as health goes. If there are cavities, we can quickly take care of them. If there are substantial problems, we can inform you and provide options to take care of the issues.

Entering October 31 with healthy teeth will help guarantee a fun time during Halloween. Don’t let the combination of cavities and candy ruin Halloween. Contact our Bellaire dental office today. Our pediatric dentists and dental staff will make sure your child will have a scary good time without the scares of tooth pain or tooth decay.
