When Should You Receive Dentures or a Bridge?

Our Bellaire patients who are concerned with their smiles and their oral health because of missing teeth should consider getting dentures. Our dental office provides top of the line dentures and bridges that make it seem as if the patient has all their teeth. WHEN SHOULD PATIENTS GET DENTURES OR BRIDGES? There are various [...]

2024-07-25T01:53:16+00:00 June 15th, 2024|Dentures|0 Comments

How Prosthodontics Give You Your Smile Back

It is possible to have a beautiful smile for your entire life? At Bright Value Dental in Bellaire, we know it is. Our dental office, located in south Houston, works with every patient of every age to ensure they are completely satisfied with their smile. When patients reach a certain age, it becomes very difficult [...]

2017-09-27T08:00:43+00:00 September 27th, 2017|Uncategorized|0 Comments